Saturday, May 26, 2012

Before You Exit

There's a rumour going around saying that BYE auditioned for X-Factor. Omg, Just , No. NO NO NO. I just don't want them to be famous yet. I still can't believe this is happening. DAMN.. Hope it's not true. and, someone said that Britney, Simon , and LA Reid says yes but Demi says NO. It's funny because BYE and Demi are both a really good friend of All Time Low. And I know that it sounds selfish when I say I don't want them to be famous but that's the truth. I just don't want them to be like One Direction. Having girls screaming their lungs out. I just.. I'm not ready. Not yet. Plus, X-Factor don't even let them play their instruments. They're not a BOYBAND, they're a BAND. How can I watch them without seeing Braiden playing guitar and Thomas's damn mad drumming skills? I don't want them to change.

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