Monday, June 11, 2012

I’m the girl who tries to be nice to everyone then gets taken advantage of. I’m the girl who tries to look pretty and it’s never good enough. I’m the girl who acts like she’s happy then goes home and wishes to be gone. I’m the girl who takes harsh words, act like they’re nothing, then goes home and cries. I’m the girl who tries to get her point across and could never find the right words. I’m the girl who has more depth to her than everyone thinks. I’m the girl who hides from the harsh eyes. I’m the girl who wouldn’t care if you gave me a shitty gift as long as you thought of me. I’m the girl who hopes that someone will finally understand. I’m the girl who gets happy over the little things. I’m the girl that people misinterpret.

*Credits to the rightful owner.

1 comment:

  1. They say that "Pain can't be taken away by kindness alone". Maybe you have to take about 5 minutes of your life to recall every harsh moments and then connect it to kindness to see the greater side of things. Because, when you link pain and happiness together, you'll get a new strength that is far more stronger than yourself. It's the strength to move on and not linger in the past. And whatever you've been through, there's always an 'invisible' person right next to you, listening silently, right?
