Sunday, July 01, 2012

Second or last

I was and still is the second choice, in my family, at school , anywhere,in everything.It's always been about someone else. Someone who is close to me. Sometimes, it makes me feel useless, worthless ,invisible. They look down on me. It's like I'm the cat on a street which everyone hates and that "Someone" is a Persian cat which everyone admire. But, have anyone ever thought that they are ALL the same. They are ALL cats. Same goes to us. That "Someone" is a human and I obviously not an alien. We are All humans. We ALL have feelings. We ALL have our own specialities. But sadly, some people only have eyes for certain specialities. Making others feel bad when they don't have THAT specialities.

1 comment:

  1. Okay.. This is quite sad. I have to admit it though. But always remember, that there's always someone, somewhere out there, is going to make you their number ONE! Well, this is more to the future, but I did have a point there, right? Don't give up hoping, and don't give up searching. Because, in pure darkness, there's always a stroke of light that will lead you out. When you fall, there's always a hand to pick you up.
