Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The story

Last night, I was at the hospital for 4 hours. No, it's no me who is sick. It's my father. If you don't know , my father had a heart attack back in 2003 . I was 5 years old and it was one of the darkest time. It still haunts me. And, he's been sick constantly now so, we took him to the hospital last night 'cause he's having a heartache *Thank god my brother can drive* .We were so worried. I was terrified and still am. So, we waited for 4 hours in the emergency room and finally the doctor told us that his blood pressure has lowered down from 200 and he can go home. And now, he's having a headache. You might think , "Oh, just a headache, it's nothing". But I'm scared. So, we will probably go the hospital again today. We'll see.

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