Tuesday, December 25, 2012



It took me a while to start writing this post. It's so hard. So, umm, Merlin ends today. Arthur died. Gwaine died. Morgana died. Mordred died. And Arthur's last words were "Thank You" to Merlin. Omg, the episode killed me. I am currently watching the episode where Merlin dressed as a woman. It's the funniest episode ever but I feel like crying. This is so hard to let go. Omg, tears coming out. Ok. So, um, the ending was a bit weird. I was kinda hoping that Freya would just show up and heal Arthur. She's the Lady Of The lake , after all. Merlin sent Arthur off at the Lake of Avalon, the place where he sent off Freya. Let me cry. But, the last conversation between Merlin and Arthur is LITERALLY the saddest thing ever. The whole episode is fucking my feelings. When the episode finished , which was at 5am ,I literally just turned off the laptop and started crying under my sheets. My pillows were wet from my tears. Adter that, I feel so empty.Om. This is harder to let go than iCarly. Also, the scene where Gwaine died was unexpected. I never ever ever expect Gwaine to die. Percival's face at the end killed me. He lost his best friend. Everybody lose someone. Gaius. I just can't stop myself from imagining Gaius waiting for Merlin to walk into the room , smiling. Merlin never came back. Everything is just so, ugh.

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