Friday, December 28, 2012

Let me tell you about my oh-so-interesting holiday.

-Wake up
-Raping the laptop (eww)
-Eye fucking the Tv
-Crying over iCarly and Merlin

Yeap, that's pretty much what I did for the last 1 and a half month.  As you can see, I EAT , A LOT. So , when the school starts , people would be like "Omg, you're fat !" Hahah, gtfo. Btw, I don't want to go to school !! Please, give e another month ! PLEASEEEE. Annnd, Other than eat , tuition, raping the laptop, etc, I also did something productive  ! yay -_-


I'm still learning. So, um, that's how my holiday go. Oh, I also went to Johor. Yep, that's it. I'm still happy though. My cousin's wedding is tomorrow. I hate going to weddings. But, this one is different, it's my cousin's wedding. So, I'm fine. K, I'm rambling. And as you can see, I'm a lazy , like REALLY LAZY person. Haihhh

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