Monday, March 11, 2013


Losing someone is so hard. But losing someone to any sickness is so much harder , I guess. Idk, maybe because you have to see the person go through the pain before they die. So, um, if you didn't know, I lost my aunt 11 days ago. She had cancer. And her son's wedding day is 2 days ago. It was super sad. I cried at the wedding. I mean, who cries at a wedding? Btw, now, I truly understand the pain that the family of a cancer patients go through. You can't explain the pain. You see them trying to fight it day by day but also see the cancer eating them slowly. You have to hold back your tears whenever you see them because you don;t want to let them down. You want them to keep fighting. But in the end, It's all up to Allah whether he wants to take them from us or he'll let them stay. I'll miss you , Norhayati Binti Yassin

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